I’m looking for 4-5 writers to join me in a support group. What this would entail is a commitment to check on one person once a week and comment on a shared GoogleDoc. My initial thoughts are:
1. We share our task goals for the next two months. 2. We get one name per week, and that’s the person on which we check. How do we do that? We take a look at the person’s task goals, and we go to the person’s Twitter and Facebook and website/blog to see what was completed. 3. While checking, we support with a comment or retweet or share of the person’s work. This can easily be accomplished in one day and in one hour or less. 4. We then open the shared GoogleDoc and write our thoughts (favorite moments, questions, suggestions, etc.). For me, I’ll most likely do this on Fridays. 5. The next week, we get a new name and repeat the process. The result: New connections and friendships, hopefully, as well as new ideas as to what is working and what we might not have considered before. Also, knowing that someone is checking up on us, we might just hold ourselves accountable for writing and keeping at it. It would be great to form consistency and put this platform experience to good use. So, I’m putting myself out there by sharing some things about me. If you think you’d like to join me in such a group, please comment, and we can get this ball rolling as soon as possible, like November 1, maybe? My name is Geralyn. I’m a married high school English teacher and the mother of two teenage sons; these boys are my first priority in life. I come from a large family, and many times, I find inspiration from my upbringing, my parents, my Catholic roots, and my devotion to the city in which I was raised, Chicago. I am the unofficial family genealogist, and I’m preparing my eight year old novel-in-progress for self-publishing. The book is called Lines--, a work of historical fiction that follows Livia Haas from an obedient farm girl to a confident supporter of the eight-hour day movement in 1870s-1880s Chicago. Currently, the proofs are with a second group of readers, and I’m waiting for the critiques before making final revisions. I also dabble with poetry and memoir, and I’m interested in trying my hand at short story and flash fiction writing. I rarely submit pieces for publication, but it’s my goal to start doing this. The few credits I have include a self-published poetry chapbook (an experiment with the process, actually), book reviews, writing advice articles, and a third-place contest essay from several years ago. I love coffee. To get a taste of my work, I encourage you to browse the tabs and see what I do, and if you’re intrigued by this writers’ support group concept, PLEASE comment here, or send a private message on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/writer.ghesslaumagrady 10/27/2015 11:25:09 am
Hi Geralyn,
Hi Geralyn! I found your idea to start a writer's group on Writer's Digest during the Platform Challenge. I am very interested in this. I'm in several facebook writing groups, but none of them are very personal. I have formed a local blogger's group where we choose a monthly topic and all write on it, but I wanted something that focuses more on my novel writing; and I haven't been able to form a group locally for that.
11/7/2015 06:19:43 pm
I am so glad you all jumped on for the ride! Comments are closed.